With the increased risk of breast cancer in the female population, the number of women undergoing a mastectomy is rapidly increasing. Needless to say, the psychological impact that a mastectomy can have on a woman is devastating. This is mainly due to the fact that the breast is a symbol of femininity and often a synonym for womanhood. Put differently, the breast usually has the exact same meaning for a woman as the penis for a man.
Today, the possibilities of plastic surgery can help women feel and function normally after mastectomy and relieve them of the adverse mental and psychological effects that can occur after this procedure. The surgeon who treats a woman for cancer should take responsibility and recommend that the patient consults with a plastic surgeon who will explain to her the possibilities and options she has regarding breast reconstruction.
There are various surgical techniques for breast reconstruction, depending on the exact medical implications. However, the simplest and most effective method is the use of silicone prostheses, which involves two stages with an interval of six months between them. Women can also opt for a third shorter operation and proceed with the reconstruction of the nipple.
Many women choose to have breast reconstruction performed at the time of their mastectomy (immediate reconstruction). Such a procedure is applied in selected cases that have been carefully examined and requires close coordination between the breast surgeon and the plastic surgeon.
In many cases, a prophylactic subcutaneous mastectomy may be performed when the woman has a high chance of developing breast cancer (e.g., hereditary predisposition) or has breasts that are difficult to monitor clinically and mammographically for cancer. In these cases, the reconstruction is immediate, and the result is excellent from an aesthetic perspective because the breast nipples are preserved (actress Angelina Jolie has performed this surgery).
It is worth pointing out that numerous studies have shown that women who undergo mastectomy consider themselves cured and permanently free of cancer only when they also have breast reconstruction.