The procedure takes around 1-2 hours. If you have an office job, it’s safe to return after 2-3 days. Your plastic surgeon will explain what steps you need to take for the best results.
Increasing fat in certain areas of the body is a persistent problem for many women. This selective fat accumulation tends to deposit itself in the buttocks, abdomen, and even knees.
Liposuction is the most effective invasive procedure women can undergo for fat removal to sculpt their body contour permanently.
In fact, it has been observed that women tend to regain their lost self-confidence and develop a solid motivation to follow a balanced diet once again. You should be aware that liposuction is not a solution for weight loss in cases of obesity.
Liposuction can be achieved through various methods and techniques and offers a perfect long-lasting result, considering that the patient takes care of their diet.
Liposuction can be carried out exclusively on the abdomen without drawing any blood, using a special technique.
The surgeon makes two small incisions on the appropriate area of the patient’s abdomen and inserts a thin cannula, which—using laser or ultrasound—can then liquidate fat cells. At the same time, collagen production is activated by stimulating fibroblasts, which simultaneously tighten and firm the sagging skin in the area. Finally, the fat is sucked out with a special cannula, and the desired result is achieved.
Before your procedure, you should stop taking any medication that increases the risk of bleeding—such as aspirin and contraceptives.
The pain following surgery is minimal and can be easily alleviated with simple painkillers. After only a few hours, any discomfort you may be experiencing goes away, and only bruising remains, which disappears after two weeks. Applying the special corset for about two weeks, patients experience a noticeable reduction in swelling. Showering is allowed after a few 24 hours, and exercise must be avoided for at least one month.
The results are evident almost immediately. The appearance of your skin and the contours of your body will slowly change over the next few months until you see a final result approximately three months after the procedure.
One advantage of liposuction is that the effects are permanent. Fat cells are completely destroyed with each successive treatment, and their count is significantly reduced.
New bloodless liposuction techniques can help speed up the tightening of the skin, preventing any sagging due to the rapid fat loss experienced. With the help of bloodless liposuction using Smartlipo or ultrasound, patients can also benefit from the elimination of orange peel skin.
Because the technique is entirely bloodless, it has become increasingly popular and constantly gained new enthusiasts. For women with little fat on their bodies, bloodless liposuction is the ideal procedure as it’s quick and convenient.
Liposuction targets only body fat cells, so it is not an invasive procedure aimed at eliminating cellulite.
However, it does create ideal conditions so that with proper diet and exercise, the orange peel appearance can be significantly improved.
Liposuction does not cause cellulite as the orange peel appearance of cellulite develops in the hypodermis, where no liposuction technique intervenes.
Non-invasive techniques that promise to reduce body fat have shown excellent results. This is primarily true for the Coolsculpting Zeltiq cryosculpting method. The only difference is that Coolsculpting treats small amounts of localized fat.
On the other hand, traditional liposuction is a procedure where a skilled plastic surgeon can, in meticulous detail, sculpt the body and remove the fat that the patient desires. In addition, the results are immediate, unlike other fat reduction methods.
To determine the final price of liposuction, the plastic surgeon must first examine the patient. The total cost is bound to vary from person to person as the techniques used are personalized for each case.
The results last forever as long as the patient undergoes liposuction exercises and looks after their diet.
If you are interested in seeing the final result in early summer, any other season would be ideal. You should also consider that the corset you need to wear may get extremely hot during summer and create discomfort.
The procedure takes around 1-2 hours. If you have an office job, it’s safe to return after 2-3 days. Your plastic surgeon will explain what steps you need to take for the best results.